Friday, June 10, 2016


Big girl is going on to Kindergarten!  She told the group at graduation her favorite food is ramen and she wants to be a dancer when she grows up. 

Monday, April 18, 2016

Scarlett's Party Pictures

Thanks again so much for coming and all the wonderful Hello Kitty gifts!  Here's the pictures we took if you'd like to check them out.


Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Jerry & Andi tie the knot!

We had a ton of fun at Jerry and Andi's wedding. The kids were mostly wonderful and danced up a storm even though we kept them up super late.  

Tooth Fairy

Max's first tooth!  Pretty sure he was the last in his class to loose one. Excited kid!  And we had a visit from the tooth fairy!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Max has been reading on his own before bed for quite some time. Lately he seems to really enjoy it and has shown excellent reading comprehension, telling me all the details of what he's read the next morning. Usually after school he decompresses with video games.  Yesterday, he went straight for this book that uncle Scott and aunt Jenn got him for his birthday.  Quiet reading!  Simply amazing.

Back at swimming

Since Scarlett doesn't have school on Tuesday, we decided to give swimming a go again. It's so nice and quiet when most kids are in school. She's super psyched to be back in the water. 

Sunday, January 31, 2016