BOY. And Perry was 100% sure blueberry was a girl. I'm excited for Perry to have a buddy to play transformers and GI Joes with. Baby boy blueberry is about 10oz which is a bit ahead of schedule and has 5 fingers on each hand, cute little footprints (see below for one of them) and moves around like crazy. The placenta was in front of the baby's face so we couldn't get any good 4D shots this time. The doctor did notice one slightly concerning issue. There is some dilation where the cord connects to the baby. At this point he told us not to worry and made me promise not to look awful things up on the Internet (yeah right) but he wants to see me in 4 weeks to take another look. If it gets worse, it could be an umbilical varix which is very rare and seem to have mixed outcomes. But... I will try my best to not jump to conclusions although I am worried as hell. I went out and drowned my sorrows in a HUGE milkshake which helped a bit. I have an appointment with my OB on Wednesday so I will talk to her about my concerns and hopefully she'll make me feel better.