Wednesday, January 26, 2011

2nd Year Doctor Visit

Today was Max's 2 year doctor visit, a place that invoked panic in all involved (including our wonderful Pediatrician) in the past. We talked all morning about what the doctor does and how he'll get a lollypop at the end of the day. He actually seemed super excited about it all but I expected it wouldn't last when the rush of memories returned from seeing the office. To my surprise, he played happily with all the toys in the waiting room and was amazing for the doctor, chatting (and singing) up a storm. The doctor was super impressed by him and said he's pretty much got the best vocabulary a 2 year old could hope for, even with my necessary translations.

Here are his other stats:
Height: 34 inches (50th %)
Weight: 29 1/2 pounds (70%)
I have no idea how this kid is so solid considering he eats like a picky mouse.

I couldn't have been happier at how smoothly this appointment went. Max couldn't have been happier with his lollypop.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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