Showing posts with label 9 months. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 9 months. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


After dragging Scarlett back to San Francisco for her 6 month doctors visit and taking Max for an unnecessary trip to the ER, we realized it would be best to find a local Doctor in Alameda. I decided on Doctor Parker, who I really love. But... I really miss Dr. Simons and his wonderful office. I didn't realize how amazing his office really was until visiting a typical doctors office. Dr. Simons was like being at a kid centric spa. The lighting was lovely, there were clean toys to play with, a train that circled the waiting room, modern decor, fish tanks on kid level in the exam rooms, and the walls were covered in interesting art. Although Max hated his visits for the first 18 months, once Max realized a doctors visit meant a delicious (organic) lollipop and helium balloon was to be had, he also realized Dr. Simons was not such a bad guy. It makes me SO sad to leave him. While Dr. Parker seems truly great, the office feels like, well... a doctors office. A really OLD doctors office. The lighting makes you feel like you're in a hospital, and the exam rooms are bare. I guess we were spoiled. Still, I suppose having a great doctor close by is more important than ascetics, lollipops and balloons.

Here are Scarlett's stats at 9 months
Weight: 19.6 pounds - 66%
Height: 29.25 inches - 75%
Head: 18.11 - 94%

Here are Max's stats at 3 years
Weight: 34 pounds 11oz (with clothes) - 79%
Height: 38 inches - 64%