Max celebrated his half birthday with some delicious pears. We are feeding him 2 meals a day now and he's doing great with the solids. I made him some nectarines the other day (baked, blended, strained and froze them) and he LOVED them. I must admit, they are quite delicious.
So with the good of turning a half of a year old comes the bad... 6 months doctor visit and shots. Max has been having a lot of issues sleeping these past two nights (although he is STILL not sleeping through the night regardless) and mommy and daddy are exhausted. Here are some stats from the doctor:
- Weight: 18 pounds 11.5 oz (75%)
- Height: 26.5 inches (50%)
- Head Circumference: 44 cm (55%) Seems he didn't get cursed with the Wagner/Petoff big head